Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Ignite Christmas Bonanza

Hi Guys

This week is going to be our combined Ignite Christmas Bonanza

There will be food, fun and fellowship. More importantly this is a great chance to bring your non-Christian friends.

Make sure you come along :)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Ignite 25th November

Hi Igniters

The term may be winding down but we still have heaps of cool stuff happening at Ignite.
This week we are going to look at how Jesus helps us with our greatest need. This would be a great night to bring your non-Christian friends.
Make sure you can come along.

BTW I wanted to say how impressed I was with you guys on Friday at Arena. Everyone made such a good effort to love and serve each other, 
all the girls dressed with modesty, and the blokes didn't go to crazy. Other than stinking of Chlorine for a week I think we all had a great night. 
Thanks for doing such a great job, it is encouraging to each other, to the leaders and helps people see that Christians live differently, well done!

Also as many of you would know next year we have a new youth pastor, Bruce Polmear. Bruce is a fantastic godly man and I reckon he will do a great job.
What would be really good is if you can start praying for Bruce. Pray that he would transition into his role quickly and easily. Also pray that he would have
great joy in teaching you guys the Gospel.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Ignite Combined Social This Week

Hi All,

Hope your having a great week. This week we are having a combined social with both the juniors and inters.

We will be going to Arena Joondalup on Friday night. 7.00pm drop off at Arena  –  9.30pm pick up from Arena.
$5 per head.

We will be doing some swimming and hanging out.
You will need:

- A Towel
- $5
- A Drink Bottle
- Swimmers (Girls for the godliness of the guys please keep it modest and don't wear bikini's)

As we were saying on Friday night (in juniors) all of youth group is about building one another up. 

Saturday, October 29, 2011

What is Idolatry?

A friend of mine recently went to Taiwan. One of the things that stood out to him was the amount of idolatry he saw. People had little statues and shrines that they worshipped, gave gifts to and feared. I remember seeing the same sort of thing when I went to Bali. In rich, intellectual Australia we can look down on people like that for their idolatry. But is idolatry a problem we face in Australia? Most of us face two problems. Firstly we don't look at what idolatry is from the Bible, so we have a wrong idea about what it is. The second problem is that we are unaware of what our idols actually are and how much they affect us. So let's take a look at what idolatry really is.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Who made God?

Thanks for the Question.

This is a question that many people ask and if you try and think hard about may get your head going round in circles. But the answer is actually some what simple.

As always (and repetition is a great way to learn), "you can't fit the atlantic ocean into a tea cup." We can understand lots of cool things about God, but there are other things that will always be mysterious to us.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Rock Climbing for Inters

Joe told me that Inters meet at the church at 7.15, bus leaves at 7:30 for rockclimbing

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Ignite Final Week This Term

Hi Guys,

I have just finished a 2500 word assignment, so I am feeling pretty good. I am sure a few year 12's will feel the same in a few weeks.
Hang in there!
But another reason I am excited is because we have we have some awesome socials lined up for you!
This week at Ignite is our last week for the term (sportsfest next week). 

Friday Night for the Juniors:
We have Junior (get it cause we are juniors lol) Masterchef 2.
Starts from 7:30-9:30 at the church. Make sure you bring closed in shoes.

Inters this week are going Rock Climbing:
Gav sent out an email last week with all the details (I seem to have misplaced it)
So if you need to get the details immediately, you can email Gav at:

Monday, September 5, 2011

Questions and Answers #7 (What is the human spirit?)

What is the human spirit? It is hard to know what the context of the question is. So anonymous, if you would like to clarify it more, feel free to comment below.

The word "spirit" can often be confusing. Mainly because it can be used of a person, of the Holy Spirit (Third person of the Trinity) and of angelic and demonic creatures (evil spirits). For example when Jesus dies, he gives up his "spirit." This is not talking about the Holy Spirit or an angel or demon. This is talking about the human spirit (if someone wants to ask a question on the Holy Spirit, I am happy to answer that too). There are many places that talk of the human spirit (a few examples, Rom. 1:9, 1 Cor. 5:5, 1 Cor 7:34, 2 Cor 7:13).

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Reading Essential Jesus Pt 3 - What is your greatest need?

What is your greatest need? What do you want more than anything else in the world? I reckon it depends on what your problem is. If you are sitting at home watching the footy it might be a pie and chips. If you were in the wilderness, it might be that you desperately want some water. Our greatest need always relates to our greatest problem.

If you watch Bear Grylls on Man vs Wild you would see a guy who is always quick to find what he needs. Whenever I watch I have noticed that he always finds water, food, fire and shelter wherever he can. Along the way he faces a lot of challenges and problems, whether it be a treacherous crossing or a fast flowing river but because he knows what the problems are, he knows how to deal with them.

But what is interesting about Bear Grylls is that he realises he has a greater problem. The same problem that the paralytic man below has. But as you read on below can you work out what is his greatest need?

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Reading Essential Jesus Pt 2 - What is with all the names?

So you're reading your Essential Jesus and you come to chapter 3. There is this whole list of names and you are like "weird, I don't get this!" So what is the go with all the names? What we find is this is Jesus' genealogy or family tree. If you read closely I reckon you can find some cool stuff about Jesus in there too. Here is what I found from reading Luke 3.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Reading Essential Jesus Pt 1 - Confessions of a Failed Preacher

I don't know whether other preachers or speakers would say I should admit this but I will anyway. I have something to tell you...

I was thinking about the last two talks I did at Ignite. Every time I sit down and right a talk I try and think hard about what the passage is saying. I have always been taught, "read the passage in its context." This means see where the passage fits in the flow of the whole book and even the whole Bible. But last night as I sat down, I realised that there was something missing from my last two talks. Something in the context was really crucial!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Basic Beliefs of Christianity: Soli Deo Gloria

Well we are on to our last Sola, Soli Deo Gloria which means "glory to God alone". This is often what people mean when they talk about "Worship". The word worship is often used to describe a church service or singing. But is this what the Bible means by worship? The word worship comes from worthiness, worship originally meant to "give worth to something". The question we need to ask is, what do we worship? Do we give God glory or do we seek to glorify ourselves?

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Basic Beliefs of Christianity: Sola Scriptura

What rules your life? What do you turn to when you can't make decisions? Where do you go when you need answers? Who would you listen to over and above everyone else?

You know it's coming. I bet you are reading this and because of the picture you know that the right answer is the Bible. But is it really the authority in your life? It is an important question to ask. The answer you get will determine whether you listen to God or whether you just plain ignore him.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Basic Beliefs of Christianity: Sola Fide

Martin Luther said that on this doctrine "the church stands or falls". Clearly he thought it was important. But are Christians really saved by faith alone? The words faith alone only appear once and they might surprise you:

"You see that a person is justified by what he does and not by faith alone." (James 2:24)

So how could the reformers say that Christians are saved by faith alone?