The term may be winding down but we still have heaps of cool stuff happening at Ignite.
This week we are going to look at how Jesus helps us with our greatest need. This would be a great night to bring your non-Christian friends.
Make sure you can come along.
BTW I wanted to say how impressed I was with you guys on Friday at Arena. Everyone made such a good effort to love and serve each other,
all the girls dressed with modesty, and the blokes didn't go to crazy. Other than stinking of Chlorine for a week I think we all had a great night.
Thanks for doing such a great job, it is encouraging to each other, to the leaders and helps people see that Christians live differently, well done!
Also as many of you would know next year we have a new youth pastor, Bruce Polmear. Bruce is a fantastic godly man and I reckon he will do a great job.
What would be really good is if you can start praying for Bruce. Pray that he would transition into his role quickly and easily. Also pray that he would have
great joy in teaching you guys the Gospel.
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